General Rules & Code of Conduct


User Terms and Conditions

General Rules & Code of Conduct for FETISHCON.COM

Effective Date: January 01, 2004
Last Modified: December 20, 2021

The Following Rules Apply to All Trade Show Attendees:

1. I, (the attendee/participant) do hereby acknowledge and agree to the use of paper (hard copy) registration at the event venue for the trade show known as: FETISH CON. I, (the attendee/participant) do furthermore agree to provide accurate and true information when signing in at the trade show. By signing this document at the trade show, I, (the attendee/participant) do hereby acknowledge and agree to the written and posted General Rules and Code of Conduct as well as all Liability Releases contained within.

2. ALL trade show attendees must be at least eighteen (18) years old to be admitted into the trade show and any trade show related events or areas. Valid photo identification is required upon check-in and registration to gain entry to the trade show. The General Rules and Code of Conduct are in full force for the entire duration of the trade show, furthermore it is understood by all attendees that these rules will be strictly enforced during the trade show and all attendees agree to the rules as stated.

3. HOTEL ENTRY NOTICE – The trade show is a private event and no one is guaranteed entry into the event venue (Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront) unless they have preregistered for the trade show. Preregistered attendees with All Access Four (4) Day Passes & Badges will be permitted entry upon displaying of your badge at the hotel doors. Single Day Passes do not grant entry into the hotel after 9:00PM EST (Friday & Saturday), 4:00PM EST (Sunday). Anyone within the hotel having only a Limited Access Single Day Pass will be asked to leave the premises after their one (1) day pass has expired.

4. HOTEL RATE NOTICE – XIX Events, LLC, its staff, and the hotel staff will actively verify all hotel reservations against the list of all registered trade show attendees. Anyone NOT preregistered for the trade show is at risk of paying the regular room rate plus a $250.00 fee for improper use of our room block. ONLY registered attendees of the trade show will enjoy the discounted room rates provided as a benefit to paid attendees who have purchased trade show all access passes and being a registered attendee of the trade show.

5. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the Showroom, Lectures, Workshops, Demonstrations, or Main Trade Show Areas, unless the area is designated for an event sponsored by XIX Events, LLC which allows alcohol to be served and consumed. Further, any person who appears to be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs will be denied entry to any and all of the trade show events. 

• During the various cocktail parties, no one under the age of twenty-one (21) is permitted to consume or purchase alcoholic beverages. Valid identification will be required and must be shown to all bar and hotel staff upon request for any alcoholic beverages.

• Anyone under the age of twenty-one (21) who is discovered to be consuming alcoholic beverages during any of the trade show cocktail parties will be removed from the cocktail reception and denied admission to all subsequent trade show events without receiving a refund of any fees previously paid.

• Per Hotel Management – Only alcoholic beverages purchased from the Hilton will be allowed in the Pool Area. Anyone found consuming alcohol purchased outside the event within the pool area will be ejected from the pool area and removed from the trade show. This is a Zero Tolerance Rule due to State Liquor License laws.

6. Still photography is allowed by all attendees during the trade show events. Permission of subject must be obtained – ask the person you wish to take a picture of before taking a photograph. Cell phone cameras, tablets, Google Glass and all other photographic equipment may NOT be used covertly while within the trade show showroom or within any area where trade show related activities are taking place. Anyone caught using any photographic equipment without the permission of the person being photographed will be removed from the trade show and denied access to any all trade show events. Video cameras and all other video recording devices will NOT be allowed without prior expressed consent from the trade show promoters within any event. XIX Events, reserves the right to remove and/or deny further admission to the trade show and/or to any or all of its events to anyone using any video recording devices. You may NOT resell any content filmed in any way in the main trade show areas without the express written permission of XIX Events, LLC.

6.1.  The subject of a photo reserves the right to deny any person an opportunity to take their photograph. If anyone wishes to photograph someone they must ask the person or their authorized representative for permission to do so in advance. The only exception to this rule is if it has been announced that photographs are allowed in a designated area of the trade show event space. Please always respect everyone’s privacy. Attending the trade show does not imply that all people wish to be photographed.

6.2.   During demos and workshops ALL Class Instructors have the right to approve or deny the use of still and video cameras during their assigned class times. If anyone violates this request, if made, during a class they will be asked to leave. Please always respect the class instructor wishes and privacy. Attending the trade show does not imply that all people wish to be photographed.

6.3.   XIX Events, LLC will not vouch for or recommend any photographer attending the trade show. All photographers or producers attending the trade show should be able to provide their own references. If a photographer or producer has used XIX Events, LLC to recommended themselves or will recommend and/or vouch for them during the trade show, please contact our staff.

6.4.   All attendees reserve the right to decide whether or not they will participate in any trade show related events or photo opportunities while at the trade show. All attendees are personally responsible for their own welfare and safety during their attendance at the trade show. We encourage everyone to report any problems they encounter with other attendees to a member of trade show staff, hotel/venue management, and/or the local police.

6.5.   All attendees reserve the right to decide whether or not they will participate in any event related photo/video opportunities while at the trade show. By participating in an event related photo/video opportunity all attendees give their consent and explicit release for XIX Events, LLC (d/b/a FETISH CON) and its sponsors to use their image and likeness in promotional photos, videos, and on social media. All such planned and scheduled photo opportunities will state the intended use of the photos or videos produced during the event.

6.6.   Neither XIX Events, LLC, its staff, its members, the sponsors of the trade show, the sponsors of any trade show related events, or the hotel/main event venue location, can be held responsible or liable for any claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses arising out of any transaction or occurrence that takes place in a private hotel room or between private parties attending the trade show.


By entering into the trade show and hotel property, all attendees agree to hold harmless XIX Events, LLC, its members, its staff, its temporary employees, co-sponsors of the trade show, or any trade show-related events, and understand said parties are not responsible or liable for any claim, action, damages, costs, or other expenses including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or property damage suffered by any attendee during the course of the trade show, including but not limited to use of the main venue hotel pool and main venue pool area during the stated trade show event dates. By leaving the trade show site, attendees agree that ANY and ALL events and shows held outside of the main venue hotel are considered a non-sanctioned event. Sanctioned Events hosted by or in conjunction with XIX Events, LLC will be clearly advertised on the Event Schedule. Anyone attending and/or participating in an event or show that is held outside of the venue hotel over the course of the trade show and if said event or show is promoted and/or produced by another company, said attendee and/or participant is doing so at their own risk. Further, by leaving the trade show site and attending an outside event, party, cruise or show, whether sanctioned or unsanctioned, attendees hereby agree and understand that you do so at your own risk and XIX Events, LLC, its members, its staff, its temporary employees, co-sponsors of the trade show or any trade show-related events are not responsible or liable for any claim, action, damages, costs or other expenses including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or property damage suffered by an attendee and/or participant who attends any event outside of the realm of the trade show.

8. EXHIBITOR/VENDOR STATEMENT – To the fullest extent permitted by law, the (exhibitor/vendor signing this agreement) agrees to defend (including attorney’s fees), pay on behalf of, indemnify, and hold harmless XIX Events, LLC, its elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers and others working on behalf of XIX Events, LLC against any and all claims, demands, suits, or loss, including all costs connected therewith, and for any damages which may be asserted, claimed, or recovered against or from XIX Events, LLC, its elected and appointed officials, employees, volunteers, or others working on behalf of the XIX Events, LLC, by reason of personal injury, including bodily injury or death and/or property damage, including loss of use thereof, which arises out of or is in any way connected or associated with this agreement or the participation/attendance by (exhibitor/vendor signing this agreement) at the event.

9. Without exception, all trade show activity shall take place within designated areas of the facility. If any attendee is found in a public area engaging in activities including, but not limited to: staged photo/video shoots they will be removed from the location and denied admission to all subsequent trade show events without receiving a refund of any fees previously paid. The parties involved may also face removal from the hotel and denial of any subsequent room nights if the hotel management feels it is necessary.

10. NO NUDITY – The following trade show dress and conduct code shall be strictly enforced while within the show rooms, class rooms, dungeon, common/public areas of the hotel, pool area, gym area, surrounding hotel grounds, and all surrounding designated trade show areas:

• Costumes/Outfits – No nudity or exposure of body parts which may be deemed indecent – See The Florida Statutes: 800.03

• Costumes/Outfits – No breasts and/or nipples and no genitals may be exposed (this includes wearing see-through materials, such as: mesh, latex, plastic, etc.).

• At minimum, all trade show attendees within the show rooms, class rooms, dungeon, main trade show areas, pool and gym areas, and the public common areas of the hotel MUST be wearing at least a full coverage thong and bra (of an opaque material), a bikini, a one-piece bathing suit, or an opaque bodysuit which would be suitable for, and legal on a public beach in the State of Florida.


• All Access Passes – All access trade show attendees will be issued one (1) trade show badge and one (1) pool pass. When entering into the trade show attendees must wear or carry their trade show badge with them at all times while in the main event space, vendor showroom, break-out areas, during all cocktail parties, and during all trade show organized events. The pool pass must be presented to gain entry into the pool area.

– An all access badge / pool pass will be required from attendees seeking to enter into any trade show events. No one will be admitted into the trade show without a valid badge, pool pass, or wristband(s).

– Trade show badges / pool passes must be presented upon any request made by any member of XIX Events, LLC, its staff, event security, volunteers, and trade show management or management of the Hotel.

– All lost badges will be replaced at a cost of $200.00 per badge on Thursday and Friday / $150.00 per badge on Saturday / $100.00 per badge on Sunday. Positive ID is required upon re-issuing of any and all trade show badges to cross check the original badge that was issued upon initial registration. Anyone found abusing the all access badges or pool passes will be removed from the trade show and banned from all future shows.

• Limited Access Single Day Passes – Day pass wristband MUST be worn at all times for admittance into Fetish Con and/or Fetish Con areas (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday).

– Single Day Pass wristband holders may not use the hotel elevator or stairs. Single Day Pass holders may not go above the first (1st) floor of the hotel. Anyone found on the upper level hotel floors with a Single Day wristband will be escorted off the property and not be allowed to return.

– Single Day wristbands must be presented upon any request made by any member of XIX Events, LLC, its staff, event security, volunteers, and trade show management or management of the Hotel.

– Lost or torn wristbands will not be refunded or replaced. Full price (as noted on the website) must be paid to replace a day pass wristband. Photo ID must be presented and a new General Rules form must be completed when a replacement is being purchased. Anyone found abusing the Single Day wristbands will be immediately removed from the trade show and banned from all future trade shows.

• Fetish Con Experience – Both wristbands (day pass and experience) MUST be worn at all times for admittance into Fetish Con and/or Fetish Con nighttime events (Friday or Saturday).

– Fetish Con Experience pass holders may not use the hotel elevator or stairs. Fetish Con Experience pass holders may not go above the first (1st) floor of the hotel. Anyone found on the upper level hotel floors with a Fetish Con Experience band will be escorted off the property and not be allowed to return.

– Fetish Con Experience wristbands must be presented upon any request made by any member of XIX Events, LLC, its staff, volunteers, and trade show management or management of the Hotel.

– Lost or torn wristbands will not be refunded or replaced. Full price (as noted on the website) must be paid to replace a wristband. Photo ID must be presented and a new General Rules form must be completed when a replacement is being purchased. Anyone found abusing the Fetish Con Experience bands will be removed from the trade show and/or banned from all future shows.


A. DENIAL OF ATTENDANCE / REGISTRATION & HOTEL RESERVATIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF THE EVENT: XIX Events, LLC reserves the right to deny admission to the trade show and/or to any or all of its events if we reasonably believe that a person or persons may be disruptive or present a danger to the well-being of the other attendees and overall enjoyment of the trade show by all attendees. If anyone is denied admission to the trade show prior to the event a full refund of any and all fees paid shall be given. Entry to the trade show, event venue and any and all associated events during the event dates will also be denied. Denial of registration prior to the event will be sent via email to the party or parties involved in any 3rd party disputes which do not involve or concern the trade show owners and promoters. The trade show owners and promoters reserve the right to deny entry into the event for any reason with or without cause as this is a private event and participation is not guaranteed.

B. REMOVAL OF ATTENDEE(S) CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION & HOTEL RESERVATION DURING THE ACTIVE EVENT: XIX Events, LLC reserves the right to remove and/or deny admission to the trade show and/or to any or all of its events if we reasonably believe that a person is disruptive or presents a danger to the well-being of the other attendees of the trade show. If anyone is so removed from the trade show, no refund of any fees previously paid shall be given. Reentry to the trade show also will not be allowed. The trade show owners and promoters reserve the right to deny entry into the event for any reason with or without cause as this is a private event and participation is not guaranteed.

C. If a trade show guest or participant is found to have disrupted the Hotel/venue’s normal operations or in any way becomes unruly or fails to abide by these General Rules, XIX Events, LLC policy is to delegate to the Hotel/venue authority to have any such person (or persons) removed from the Hotel/venue premises. In the event of such action being taken, there will be absolutely no refund of any fees previously paid. The trade show owners and promoters reserve the right to deny entry into the event for any reason with or without cause as this is a private event and participation is not guaranteed.

13. NO WEAPONS POLICY – Weapons, including by not limited to: all types firearms and knives/bladed weapons, are not permitted within any public area of the hotel at any time during the trade show dates. If an attendee has a license to carry within the State of Florida, XIX Events, LLC and hotel/venue reserves the right to prohibit the wearing or display of any holstered or held weapon within any public area of the hotel or on the hotel property.

14. Smoking and Vaping is permitted outside of the Hotel and only in designated areas inside the Hotel. You CAN smoke or vape outside the doors from the Dali Bar in the designated, covered smoking area and inside the pool area.

  • You CAN NOT smoke or vape anywhere inside of the Hilton Hotel.
  • You CAN NOT smoke or vape outside the front entrance of the Hilton.
  • You CAN NOT smoke or vape in your hotel room if you are staying at the Hilton.

• Smoking and Vaping are NOT permitted in any areas inside the hotel or in any guest hotel room. If you are found smoking or vaping inside the Hilton you will be asked to leave the trade show, this includes being checked-out of the hotel (if you have a room) and this will result in a ban from the trade show. No refunds of any kind will be provided to you. You may be charged a $500.00 fee by the Hilton and you may potentially be trespassed off the property.

• Flammable liquids of any kind are not permitted inside the Hilton Hotel or its surrounding property.

15. XIX Events, LLC is not responsible for any changes in an advertised attendee’s schedule. The list of those appearing on the Special Guests, Guests of Honor, and Attending List pages of the trade show website is tentative and based on written confirmations that have been received via email. If an attendee named on the Special Guest, Guest of Honor, or Model List pages decides that he/she will not be attending the trade show, XIX Events, LLC will provide as much advance notice as possible of this change. In no case shall XIX Events, LLC be responsible for any models last minute decision not to attend the trade show.

16. All attendees are expressly advised that this is a public trade show and one likely to be attended by various members of the press and electronic media. Accordingly, photographs and video footage of attendees may be recorded by members of the media covering the trade show. XIX Events, LLC, its members and its staff shall in no way be liable to any attendee if the attendee’s likeness is recorded by any member of the print or electronic media.

• Members of the press and/or media who do not have prior permission to document this event by confirmation and issuance of proper press credentials may not film, record, tape, or otherwise document this event without the express permission of the event organizers.

• Furthermore, all members of the press who are not approved and who register for this event under a day pass and do not properly identify themselves during registration are in direct violation of the terms of this signed agreement and will be removed from this event and may possibly face legal action.

• Members of the press are allowed into this event only after they complete an online application, receive confirmation of approval, and if there are available press passes. Once available press passes have been granted no other press passes will be given or issued for this event.

17. All persons who participate in any Workshop or Class during the trade show weekend shall be required to execute a Release and Discharge from Liability prepared by XIX Events, LLC which shall expressly provide, among other things, that participants in any workshop or class release and discharge from liability XIX Events, LLC, its members, agents, employees, representatives, associates, and owners for any and all claims and demands arising from the participant’s involvement in the class including claims for damages, costs, expenses relating to personal injury, property damage or death. No one will be permitted to participate or attend any classes without having first executed the required Release and Discharge from Liability:

RELEASE AND DISCHARGE FROM LIABILITY – By voluntarily participating in and/or attending a lecture, class or workshop including the private play space at the trade show, I, (the attendee/participant) do hereby release and discharge from any and all liability, XIX Events, LLC of Florida, the hotel/main event venue location, its members, agents, employees, representatives, associates, trade show staff, and hotel/venue owners, its members, agents, employees, representatives, associates, owners, as well as the class instructor/demonstrator for any and all claims and demands arising from the participant’s involvement in the class including claims for damages, costs, medical expenses, expenses relating to personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death. I, (the attendee/participant) further agree that anything taught or demonstrated during any class has been done by professionals in their field, and should not be re-created or attempted without first understanding the proper safety measures. Furthermore, if I do attempt to recreate anything I have been shown or taught, I, (the attendee/participant) personally accept all risk and liability for any claims for damages, costs, medical expenses, expenses relating to personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death that could possibly occur and release from liability any and all parties listed above. By signing my legal name upon registration, I, (the attendee/participant) do hereby agree to all of the terms stated within this release and discharge the above named XIX Events, LLC of Florida, the hotel/main event venue location, its members, agents, employees, representatives, associates, trade show staff, and hotel/venue owners, its members, agents, employees, representatives, associates, owners, as well as the class instructor/demonstrator from any and all liability.

18. Special Promotions: Any contests or promotions through a third party are subject to the terms and conditions as declared in the General Rules. Tickets that are part of a contest or promotion, and are issued on a complimentary basis, will be announced no later than ten (10) days before the start of the trade show. Complimentary tickets have no monetary value. 

• No refunds will be granted to any contest or promotion winner for tickets previously purchased to the trade show. Entering a contest or promotion does not negate the agreed upon terms and conditions of any pre-registered attendee. 

• Complimentary and/or Promotional All Access Passes or tickets can be transferred to another party, who is over eighteen (18) years old, in the case where a promotion winner already has purchased passes to the trade show.

• In order to transfer passes the winner of the passes MUST NOTIFY US IN WRITING providing the event staff with the email verification they received showing they won tickets and stating the name of whoever will be using the Complimentary Passes in their stead.

19. XIX Events, LLC and its staff are not responsible if attendees have lost and/or misplaced their admission ticket to the trade show or any of the events they may have purchased a separate ticket to attend. Further, XIX Events, LLC reserves the right to deny admission to any attendee claiming to have lost or misplaced his or her admission ticket to any event.

20. Force Majeure: The performance of all agreements made by XIX Events, LLC of Florida with all attendees are subject to any circumstances making it illegal or impossible to provide or use the venue facilities, including Acts of God, national/global health, pandemics, or safety crisis, war, terrorism, government regulations, disaster, strikes, civil disorder or curtailment of transportation facilities. All agreements may be terminated for any one of the above reasons by written notice from XIX Events, LLC.

21. Cancellation/Postponement of Event: If the trade show is canceled due to any reason as stated in Section 20 of the General Rules, with the exception of illegal or government regulations which would prohibit XIX Events, LLC from continuing the trade show, the event promoters, XIX Events, LLC will reschedule the event within six (6) months or within a reasonable time period as provided by the circumstances which caused the event to be postponed or canceled. 

21.1. XIX Events, LLC will provide as much advance and written notice as possible of any change to the posted date and time of the trade show. 

21.2. In addition, any and all prepaid and pre-registered attendees will hold harmless XIX Events, LLC, its members, its staff, its temporary employees, co-sponsors of the trade show or any trade show-related events for any Force Majeure as defined in Section 20, which forced the event to be temporarily cancelled or postponed. 

21.3. XIX Events, LLC, its members, its staff, its temporary employees, co-sponsors of the trade show or any trade show-related events are not responsible or liable for any claim, action, damages, costs or other expenses including, but not limited to, loss or change of air fare and any associated fees thereof, hotel fees, or pre-registration fees suffered by any paid and pre-registered attendee due to any Force Majeure which forced the event to be temporarily cancelled or postponed. 

21.4. Any and all prepaid and pre-registered attendee fees will be honored by XIX Events, LLC when and if the event is rescheduled (with the exception of the two above stated terms and reasons within Section 20 for cancellation or postponement). If the trade show cannot be rescheduled any approved and valid refunds will be processed within twelve (12) months from the last date the trade show was scheduled to end.

22. Print Advertisements and Sponsorship: XIX Events, LLC reserves the right to censor or deny print advertisements and/or sponsorship due to content or conflicts of interest. If you have a question about an ad or sponsorship, please write us prior to purchase. Purchase does not guarantee that an ad or sponsorship (which provides print ad space) will be accepted for the current trade show program book. If an ad or sponsorship is denied and a purchase has been made then a refund will be issued within forty-eight (48) hours of the denial notice being emailed.

23. XIX Events, LLC reserves the right to alter, add, or modify any and/or all of these rules at its sole discretion.